
@kittenluv98 thats true. sometimes its easy to forget just how important friends are, so keeping the best  ones close and dear is always important. ermm to be honest this year with uni and what not i have been extremely lazy, the only physical activiteis i've been doing is the occasional trip to the gym and home workouts. its getting warmer over here now though so i'll be going swimming at the pool more often! :D not to mention that means i'll be playing lots of rounders so super excited for that! but netball has always been my fave sport by far, just havent played for almost a year now :(  


@kittenluv98 thats true. sometimes its easy to forget just how important friends are, so keeping the best  ones close and dear is always important. ermm to be honest this year with uni and what not i have been extremely lazy, the only physical activiteis i've been doing is the occasional trip to the gym and home workouts. its getting warmer over here now though so i'll be going swimming at the pool more often! :D not to mention that means i'll be playing lots of rounders so super excited for that! but netball has always been my fave sport by far, just havent played for almost a year now :(  


@YourReader Omg what a coincidence! XD I started watching game of thrones today after hearing so many good things about it...I've seen the first 2 eps, and altho it feels like a frikin porno half the time, the story line is actually pretty good. Its amazing how much I know about each of the main characters already, and I'm thinkin I need to watch me some more game of thrones! But the books are good u say?? Hmm adding that to my reading list! Thanks for that Elly! :D
          Right, u've help me come to a conclusion in regards to my story. There's no going back now I guess.
          Ahh tvd. Your the second friend I know to have gone off it. I was so tempted to stop watching myself when the plot got to a pretty boring part, but its safe to say the latest twist is actually pretty enthralling and so I'm sticking with it a while longer I guess :) but I get what u mean about the fake enthusiasm for the sake of old times. Not worth it. Once its lost, its lost. 


@kittenluv98 Aww I'm glad school is going well! And your lucky to have such great friends who help you out, hang on to them :D it makes me so proud to think that a character I conjured up in my head inspires u, thanku for sharing that :) I'll answer the bit about the story's future in a bc :)


@YourReader hi El :D sorry this is late! Keeping up with friends is so hard over easter when family are driving me bonkers lool. But yes! You saw the film!!! I have to say, I wasn't all too impressed with it : / and I went cinema to see it twice XD they missed out too much for my liking, and they got Cinna's character wrong in my opinion, but damn did they get the setting for the Capitol and its people spot on! I mean did you SEE Effie?! That was perfect! And Gale *sigh/faint* what a gorgeous hunk lol I think I just need to learn that the films will never come close to the beloved books, and that I should just appreciate them as a seperate form of art I guess as you said :D I can't wait for catching fire...november 2013 seems eons away :( .....on another note, I know u commented somewhere asking about LMHMYCCM but I don't remember where so I'm replying here lool....to be honest, I'm so tempted to just stop writing it. I know I said I would never give up on it, but I just don't remember it well enough, and I tried re-reading it but the first few chapters are so horribly written I actually can't bear to read it -.-  I don't know how you did! Hahaha....but anyway I don't know what to do :'( my last hope and idea to salvage that story, is to just shut this account down or just leave it for poetry, and get a new account and start editing chapter by chapter and posting it afresh....that way I can finally start editing the crappy parts, refresh memory and everyone can recap what's happening...it would be nice to cut out all these fans who are no longer reading too, just so I can see who's actually still reading.....we'd gehrought the existing chapters quick though, and I'd post a chapter every 2 or 3 days up until where we are now....I dunno dude, what do you think?
          Your friend, X


@YourReader Omg I know!!! I feel to cry for alaric, what on earth is he gunna do?! They need to help him asap! That's assuming its true, you never know with this tvd lol nothing is ever as it seems...I STILL don't trust the doc...the scene between the salvatores was amazing <3 I do love them both...poor damon, but poor poor stefan! Ahh I can't wait for next ep either!!! And I'm goin to see hunger games next friday :D *happy dance* exciting stuff! Lool


@YourReader hahaha i know, you're such an adamant damon fan its gunna scary how youve switched, almost unreal even! :P but i'm glad you've seen sense ;) loool... oh Klaus is just gorgeous, the evil son of a gun who is showing his vulnerable side just to little old caroline, i almost felt sorry for him when she trciked him into coming outside! but the picture he drew was just too cute! but i totally get what u mean about elijah, there's just this air about him, like he really is regal, whereas the others dont pull off the royalty look quite so well...its because hes so chivalrous i think ;) hehehe...katherine will return soon i think, but in the next ep some girl called sage from damons past turns up...wonder whats gunna happen!! and poor alaric, i swear if that crazzy doctor chick hurts him i'll reach through the screen and strangle her myself!


@YourReader ohh those producers are just so damn awesome :D my only saddening point is that Lionsgate (aka team THG) just bought Summit (aka team twifags) and so they're each gunna end up including the other in advertising some how...ugh, makes me sick. theyve already started. the first trailer for breakin dawn part 2 is gunna be aired for the first time at the hunger games debut in cinema...imagine all the weirdo twilight fans who will think that that somehow means twilight is like hunger games *shudder*


@YourReader nooo way, YOUR on the Stefan wagon??? haha i never imagined! but yes, Damon is doing my head in now and kinda starting to get annoying, but stefan....wow. this new improved stefan is like the best of stefan and damon combined! gotta love him! and i must confess, i have a thing for Klaus too :/ i dunno how it happened, hes just snuck his way in! XD but seeing the original family together was amazing, and so scary yet cool, it was great. can u believe esther?! how could she!! poor elijah! but my question is, where on earth is katherine?? surely she didnt die that last time we saw her when Klaus's dad drank from her when she woke him??