@YourReader hi El :D sorry this is late! Keeping up with friends is so hard over easter when family are driving me bonkers lool. But yes! You saw the film!!! I have to say, I wasn't all too impressed with it : / and I went cinema to see it twice XD they missed out too much for my liking, and they got Cinna's character wrong in my opinion, but damn did they get the setting for the Capitol and its people spot on! I mean did you SEE Effie?! That was perfect! And Gale *sigh/faint* what a gorgeous hunk lol I think I just need to learn that the films will never come close to the beloved books, and that I should just appreciate them as a seperate form of art I guess as you said :D I can't wait for catching fire...november 2013 seems eons away :( .....on another note, I know u commented somewhere asking about LMHMYCCM but I don't remember where so I'm replying here lool....to be honest, I'm so tempted to just stop writing it. I know I said I would never give up on it, but I just don't remember it well enough, and I tried re-reading it but the first few chapters are so horribly written I actually can't bear to read it -.- I don't know how you did! Hahaha....but anyway I don't know what to do :'( my last hope and idea to salvage that story, is to just shut this account down or just leave it for poetry, and get a new account and start editing chapter by chapter and posting it afresh....that way I can finally start editing the crappy parts, refresh memory and everyone can recap what's happening...it would be nice to cut out all these fans who are no longer reading too, just so I can see who's actually still reading.....we'd gehrought the existing chapters quick though, and I'd post a chapter every 2 or 3 days up until where we are now....I dunno dude, what do you think?
Your friend, X