Hello everyone ^3^ I just want to relay this message to all about some things about my stories and a bit of my future :) This may not concern you guys but it's something I want to say :3
So I'm sure many have noticed that I haven't been posting chapters as consistently as before. I just want to address that the reason behind that was because I'm currently in year 11, advancing to year 12 and some of you know what it's like to be in that period (hectic and pressuring cause you have to think about the future and what you wanna do when you leave school, blah blah blah xD)
This may not matter to most of you but I'd like to continue writing stories (despite my hiatus in posting) since I actually have a lot more stories I want to release (literally have about 5-6 stories in drafting process o.o). However because I am going to be year 12 (in about 2 weeks), I won't be posting AS OFTEN (I'll try to post some chapters and possibly continue drafting other future releases/adaptations).
Once I'm less busier, I'm planning to come back and start posting like I used to (weekly chapters) and well, also planning to become an artist (kinda like webtoonist) and possibly DRAW OUT MY STORIES (but ofc, i have to use different names instead of actual idols xD) Hopefully, I can become one (since I love art and writing) But I'll see what lies for me in the future. Until then, please be patient with me ;---; and thank you for reading this message and reading my stories ~ I'll try to post whenever I'm free.
- XoXoXiuMimi