
OK two thing. First a new chapter of Nothing is Normal will be up tomorrow. Second I'm gonna be starting a new original story to. The reason is, firstly I've had this idea for a while now and I hope you guys like it. The second motivation I have for this story is that I hope it'll help start me on the road of figuring some stuff out. Anyway I just hope I can continue to post stuff you guys like and if you ever wanna message me feel free.


OK two thing. First a new chapter of Nothing is Normal will be up tomorrow. Second I'm gonna be starting a new original story to. The reason is, firstly I've had this idea for a while now and I hope you guys like it. The second motivation I have for this story is that I hope it'll help start me on the road of figuring some stuff out. Anyway I just hope I can continue to post stuff you guys like and if you ever wanna message me feel free.


          Dammit Morgan just . . . what the hell is wrong with you. I understand if you wanna TRY and FAIL to help that psycho but you have ZERO right to put everyone else in danger. Doing that after everyone their group killed without consulting anyone else is betrayal in my book.


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I'm beyond fucking done with these people! First she steals my fucking money and lies about it and now my fucking bracelet is gone! And I know exactly where I put the damn thing so I know for a fact one of these stupid shits I live with either moved it or my piece of shit sister stole it! But nooo my idiot of a mom automatically thinks I'm the one who misplaced it even though she knows my sister is a good for nothing lying druggie bitch! I'm seriously about 5 fucking seconds from packing up my shit and moving to my dad's house cause if she won't kick her out then I'll just leave cause like I said I'm done! Only reason I haven't is cause of my little brother but I can't take this shit anymore.


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OK wattpad is being really buggy right now.
           It keeps sending me notifications for things that aren't even there and is showing me the same story updates for books in my library over and over again. 
          So I don't know if it'll let me post my story chapter tonight but at the very least I'm going to try and get the draft done and saved.
          Has this shit been happening to anyone else lately or is my account being an asshat again?


I'm going to be giving my speech in public speaking tomorrow. My topic is arguing against the persecution of members of the LGBT community. I know I can't be the only person on here who's getting fed up with everything that's happening. And I know this is a touchy subject for some but point blank something has to be done about it. If anyone would like me to post the speech on here feel free to ask (I'm probably gonna do it anyway) and PLEASE if anyone has good calming techniques for not going off topic any doing a pissed off rant I'm all ears.


You guys guess what. MY MASSIVE WRITERS BLOCK IS FINALLY OVER YAY×1000. But this makes me so happy. Now I do have a few days this week where I work but you can definitely expect some christmas updates. I'd also like to take a moment to thank all of you for being so patient and just awesome in general I wouldn't be where I am without your support. So yeah (insert inspiring final sentence).


I can't even begin to explain how happy I am at the huge step forward my home state has finally taken. As of October 10th 2014 the same sex marriage ban in North Carolina has officially been uplifted. For people who know me they know how I am about equal rights for everybody. And even though though it's not the hugest step twords tolerance ever made in my eyes it's a great step none the less.


Ok what the ever loving hell wattpad.  I just clicked post on a oneshot I've been working on for MONTHS and it f***ING deleted it. And anyone who knows me knows I'm old school and write it all down in notebooks and since I'm redecorating I have no idea where it is. Seriously guys I'm so frustrated it's nowhere near funny.