
@Holy_Guacamole yeah. :) we graduate before the hsc though. So I still have finals after. 


@crystal_hibbert15 yeah, your always going to miss her, and everything, in the end though. We all want the best for you :) haha I sound old now. Have you had any phone contact ?  Really ? Well maybe you can come in the hols. For a few days or something. I may not be the best person to hang around at the time cuz ill be studying :/ but you can see ur dad. Just ask about it. Im pretty sure he gets holidays at tafe. 


im actually not really that happy i miss mum heps but i cant see her the cops have stopped mum from being able to see me and aussies with mum i havent seen them for just over 3 months now but i go to newcastle on monday for family court but dad wont be there that sucks i wanted to see him hahaha i get to see him in the holidays hopefully


@crystal_hibbert15 oh yeah, I've heard bits an pieces. But as long as your happy yeah ? And year 11 haha god I miss those days. I went to some uni open days over the weekend. In getting nervous for my hsc exams. I had my trails two weeks ago :) so your doing some VET courses ? I do one, hospitality.