Hello followers… over the past few years I’ve been working on my own original story and it’s been formatted like an actual novel. I did kinda give up on traditionally publishing it as I realized life has other plans for me. I’ll still be writing. My original story is where my heart is at. That, and my relationships, career, and of course my future endeavors. I just want my work to be read. Not by my girlfriend or friends, but by random people on the internet. Idk, it makes me feel good. Traditional publishing is a huge headache and pain in the butt I heard. My story is supposed to be huge. A million words or more. Harry potter length, grim-dark genre, has heavily mature themes, but I’ll lack the time to actually work on it after the summer of 2025. Going to get a full time career, I’ll be an adult, my own man. Another thing I wanted to say is the reason I haven’t been updated the fics is because I’ve been so busy. Last year of college and my schedule is just booked. I’ve had no free time, and when I do, I hang out with my gf. My priorities come first yk. But once thanksgiving break comes around, I’ll work on grown to hate. I haven’t updated that fic in a while. Also, lmk ur thoughts on if I should post my original story on wattpad or not. I might just make a separate account for the original story tbh. I did post a small snippet of what the story is like, so check it out if u feel like it. Thanks for ur time!