Hey everyone, I have something to say. Many things have happened over the months since I posted my last announcement. I truly apologize to everyone I have been rude to and hurt in the past, I’ve realized what I’ve done and decided to forgive people for what they did and start a new chapter fresh instead of pushing people away. Yes they have made mistakes but so have I, we all deserve a second chance to regain trust from people. I know it never going to be the same but that’s ok! I hope we can all forgive each other a become mutuals or friends maybe, and R.I.P to Little bit, the best little buddy I had at a rough time in my life and took advantage of when he pasted I’m truly sorry for not giving you the goodbye you deserved. Same goes for Cheyenne’s dad R.I.P Im sorry for the way I acted and treated your daughter, she never deserved that regardless of what she has done or what I’ve done for her to act a certain way, we should all learn to forgive and forget instead of living in rage and regret towards people. Im truly very very sorry for everything and hope you could say hi again maybe and this time we could communicate better. Because like we both said but I didn’t follow through, communication is key in any relationship, sorry.