
My parents are watching a TV gameshow AND THE GUEST STAR IS THE SISTER OF THE KING?? awdwdfkfofoghj normal day in Thailand


heyy it’s captain_niallhoran i had to change my user (sibling found me lmao)


it was stressful we were scrolling ao3 tg and i forgot i was logged in it was awkward asf


Aw hell nah one of my favorite youtuber got into some randomass drama AGAIN and all of it was just caused by a few misunderstandings :skull:
          Girl this is  like the 6th time now, You either clear up the misunderstandings or just leave the internet


@XtremeCringeWarning_ always the youtubers and touching kids istg


@captain_niallhoran yeah. They posted an apology + explanation and I thought the drama is over but then apparently they got exposed again for liking minors and now everyone’s making fun of them


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Just found out that my classmates sent me a video celebrating my birthday this morning and they even bought cake. I didnt go to school today since I’m sick and I feel so fucking bad. It was just slight fever with a stuffy nose and sour throat. I dont deserve them and I hate myself.