


Merry Christmas to you too Maddie!


As many of you might have noticed I haven't updated anything in a long time, that's because I've made another account for my original stories call @Xx-Music_Lynx-xX ! 
          I've been so focused on those and starting it along with High School that I just haven't really had much time to update anything here.
          I dunno when I'll start updating again, but once I do I'll let you all know!
          Also, Hello to all my New Followers!!!
          Sorry that I haven't updated anything, not exactly what you expected from a account you followed but thanks for joining us all in this random mix of friends!
          That's all I had to say really, so PEACE!!!!


I've been gone for so long!!!
          Super sorry! I've been working on a few things which I will announce soon to those of you who haven't figured or found it yet!
          Also I'd like to thank everyone one of my new followers to had popped up when i wasn't here! I hope you'll enjoy you time reading my works and thanks so much for joining my Family of Followers!
          I'll update something right after this! Maybe three cause I feel like it!


Sister Location has been out and I already know who my favorite in the game is!
          Drum Roll Please!
          He's just so intriguing, when I heard the voice in the game I wasn't sure if it was Freddy talking or the Bonnie Puppet talking for him!
          But he's definitely my favorite!


Oooo can wait to read it! I think the voice was his hand puppet Bonnie speaking like a ventriloquist!


@Xx-Mad_Hatter-xX Same. Wasn't expecting the voice, though. I'm already doing a yandere Funtime Freddy one-shot... cause it won't get out of my head...


It sucks being sick...
          It also does help that it's cold as hell in my room...!
          I'm literally working on 'Something' while being cocooned in a mountain of blankets with my dog in another blanket mountain.
          Urggg....I really don't like the cold...  
          Or being sick...


 Yup, working on something usually helps keeping my mind off being sick.✌️


@Xx-Mad_Hatter-xX sorry honey. At least you're working on something. ♡


I've decided!
          I have a lot of stuff that has "VERY SLOW UPDATES" on it so I thought it would be easier for me to focus on one work at a time. Mostly the stories sense everything else is pretty easy.
          I just don't know what story to work on...maybe my original story!
          I'll see what i can do later.


@Xx-Mad_Hatter-xX Just take your time. Don't force it.
            Shiiiiit, I need to follow my own advice. I forgot about one of my stories. Oops.


          Hatty or Mad Hatter won't be able to publish anything for awhile.
          Her internet has been acting up and she'll have to get it fixed.
          We don't know how long it will take, but once it comes back she'll be publishing a surprise she was meaning to show everyone before the whole internet problem.
          That's all I've been told to tell!
          Stay patient!


Ok, it's pretty late right now. For me at least, literally 3 in the morning.
          But I'm back! 
          I'll cut straight to the point though sense I'm pretty tired and I don't have a train of thought right now.
          I made this whole update on the News Book explaining why I wasn't here for awhile and what has been going on, but...I could bring myself to click the Publish button.
          I want to explain everything but at the same time, I don't want pity or to make anyone worried. And I don't want people to pity my siblings or mom ether sense I know we all don't like to have people Pity us.
          So sadly, I won't be publishing it. The update is just sitting there waiting and I don't think it's gonna move from there.
          But off that topic, WE'RE BACK!!!
          My little sister and I have already been working in the Art Book 2 along with my baby sis and I've done a few new stories and chapters waiting to be published!
          I'll be updating the Music Book 2 later on today, maybe in the afternoon cause knowing me I'll knock out for at least 12 hours lol
          So be expecting that!
          Also, thank you everyone who's been messaging me asking if my family and I are ok. I can assure you all that we'll all be fine after a bit. It's one of those things only time can heal but we're alright!
          That's all I had to say this late at night lol
          Peace Out Everybody!!!✌️


I won't be on Wattpad for awhile, not sure how long but some stuff happened and I kinda need a break from everything for a bit.
          I'll be sure to tell you all when I get back and maybe if I feel like I could I'll tell you guys what happened but no promises.
          See ya, till uh whenever I get back!✌️


Thanks Bloom


Take all the time you need!