Hi there! Quick question for everyone. Not sure if there any of you still following me or interested as its been many many years, but if so, hello :) I'm a second year writing student now and doing great. I'm glad you all enjoy my writing still, even if it is of... questionable quality at times! So the reason I've come onto here is to ask your opinions because honestly? I'm not too impressed with Wattpad right now. The thing is, they've been monetising fanfictions which I'm really not happy with. For one, fanfictions are meant to be free, monetising it through ads already feels iffy. But the majority of stories here are written by tweens and teenagers. Somehow it feels very wrong for me for Wattpad to be monetizing content made from people that young, especially not being paid for it. But I also do understand Wattpad is a free site to use and has to make its profit somewhere - I just wish there was an option to turn ads off, at least for fanfiction. Anyway, I wanted to ask what others think of this. Thank you for all the support over the years <3

@XxAKCxX Tip=> Well I just download a fanfiction and then watch it offline, no adds in way.