
Hey everyone I know its been awhile and I'm sorry for that. There was a lot happening and I was struggling pretty bad with my mental health but things are starting to get better and back to normal. I will be continuing the two stories I have been working on and will try to get more consistant with posting for you guys. Thanks so much for all the reads and follows and votes on the chapters so far and for the other books i have written. I hope all is well and thank you again guys for your patience.


Hey everyone I know its been awhile and I'm sorry for that. There was a lot happening and I was struggling pretty bad with my mental health but things are starting to get better and back to normal. I will be continuing the two stories I have been working on and will try to get more consistant with posting for you guys. Thanks so much for all the reads and follows and votes on the chapters so far and for the other books i have written. I hope all is well and thank you again guys for your patience.


Chapter 2 is up for the Dune story the Atreides Twins. Thank you so much for all your patience and be on the lookout for another chapter by the end of the week. I will also be starting on some requests that I received for new stories so  be on the lookout for those.


          Do you know your books? 
          The Broken One and The Lost Crow, 
          I could request the same for  
          The Vampire Diaries (Damon)
          The Oringals (Klaus) 
          True Blood (Godric) 
          You can say no if you want, it was a request


@Queen-Bunny I know it's been awhile and I appreciate your patience. First chapter is up for story inspired by your requests first story we are starting with is vampire diaries Damon salvatore


            okay, take your time


First chapter is up for the Dune fanfic I am writing. As I said before I will be posting 1 chapter a week unless I am able to do more. Hopefully everyone enjoys it and as always if you have any requests for the oneshots i'm more than happy to write for you. simply leave a comment on the last chapter of the one shots and if there is any that you would like to see turned into a full story leave a comment on the oneshot you would want to see as a full story. enjoy lovelies


I am going to be starting my Dune fanfic inspired from my oneshot His Princess in the Multifandom Oneshots volume two. If you are unfamiliar with it hop over and check it out. My goal is to put out a chapter a week which is realistically a goal set due to  my personal and work life I may try to do a couple chapters a week, but I really want to take my time on this to make sure I write it to the best of my ability as this is one of my favorite franchises between the books, mini series' and the new movies coming out. I will hold off writing new chapters for the oneshots unless someone puts in a request or I have a sudden inspiration for something I really want to write. Hopefully you will all enjoy the new story and as always if you have any requests for the oneshots while i'm working on the new story feel free to ask I am still more than happy to answer those


Another Chapter down for Multifandom Oneshots Volume 2. As always lovelies if you have any requests shoot me a message or comment on a chapter in the the volume you are requesting for on the last chapter posted. Think I am going to start my layout for the next full story I will be expanding on a Duncan Idaho one shot from volume 2. If anyone has any oneshots they would like to see turned into a full story let me know. I'm more than happy to write one people want to see.


Got another chapter in my one shots volume 1 book. going to be flipping back and forth and you may see more crossovers start to happen. May also start some that will incorporate into the next volume of one shots. As always if you have a request they are open just shoot me a message letting me know what you would like to see. There are a couple that I am going to be turning into a full story so also if there are any you would like to see turned into a full story let me know. Not only is this a cathartic outlet for me, but I do enjoy writing things others will enjoy so please feel free to just ask. Have a great day lovelies!