
@MistX11 thank you for voting for my story I will try to update as soon as possible for you 


Hi Hun! I'm Just Dropping By To Apologize For Not Replying To Your Comment On My Story And Im Gonna Start Reading And Voting On Your Stuff Aswell . Hope Your Still Reading 'Elements And Love' Because The Next Chapter Is Dedicated To You ! BuhhByee  Lovely


@KrystinMarieeee I'm still reading your story and I've read it over and over again it is just soo good and I can't wait till the next chapter and thank you for dedicating it to me and in return I will dedicate my next chapter in Elemental Rogue to you and if you want I can make you a character in it all you have to do, if you want to be in it, is give me details on your wolf colour, status/rank, personality and name. Just let me know! Byee


          OMG I you do a Kibbs fanfiction I would be your #1 fan *__* And imagine imagine they have a mini Gibbs *_*


@SamarRanaBejaoui I'm gonna start a story based on Kibbs then with mini Kibblets but I might not publish it till I get to like five chapters so then I can keep up the publishments :)


@ElementalShadowWolf This may be weird but I ship Kate and Jethro... Even if she's dead :')


@SamarRanaBejaoui I don't think it is weird coz I ship them as well as any Kate pairing :) I was thinking of doing either a Kate/Gibbs or a Kate/Ziva pairing for a new story or maybe both in the same story like kibbs first but evolves into kiva :) I'm not sure though