
this message may be offensive
Heyyyyyy, I'm bored as fuck. And I am about to go running with my sister. Please someone pray that my legs and lungs will be okay.


Yaassss school starts tomorrow and I'm so excited it's 10:27 and I was supposed to be asleep but I'm just to excited because schools tomorrow and I get to see my 2 "sons" and my baby I miss him so much and I just want to have my first kiss with him already ppl don't judge buttttt anyways I also get to see my teddy bear and my guy girl power friend and if you thinking he's gay I don't blame you he sometimes acts like it but anyways some one plz make time go faster to about 6:00 plz I want to go to school :'( :)


Thanks so much for the follow! ^^


Thx i know i am b/c that's my rep


@GirlGoneTwisted thxs for the fallow two 