Okay y'all, I'm not trying to be rude nor sound sarcastic when I type this, but like- if you're going to follow me, I need you to be loyal and stay following me- I know it's too much to ask but please do me this one favor cause I'm sick and tired of checking on here once in a while and seeing my followers dropping. Now, if it's for a reason that you unfollowed me, then I want to know okay? It might be because I'm not online that much anymore? But umm- I'm sorry for that cause and camp has started and my summer has been really busy- so um...if you unfollow me for no reason then please don't follow me again Kay? I just don't like it when people unfollow me like that cause if I'm following you and I want to follow someone and I can't because my following limit has been reached and you're still someone I'm following who isn't following back- it really bothers me. Again, I'm not trying to be rude- but yeah..