Hey fans and Random readers! Want to let you know Another chapter is up.... Yes that's right two chapters in about two months. Haha I'm spoiling you guys. Anyways read and let me know what you think !
Yo Crow! Took you long enough :p You should check out mine and bailey's new story The Haber Experiment. Let us know if it sounds readable or not. Love ya!
@Broken_Little_Pieces I'm glad to know people are still reading it even though I haven't updated in over a year haha I will try to upload in the next few weeks if I can finish the next chapter :)
Hey fans! So long time no see huh? Lol well I've finally found inspiration to write again and I WILL be updating I Refuse very soon :). Thank you too all the comments that were left while I was away they have made me so happy thank you can't wait to get back to Haylen Roxi and Max!