Christmas is comingggggg!
Time for advent.
I'm sending this to multiple people:
Remember that Christmas is a time for waiting and preparing for God. It's not about ourselves!
If it were, then this world would be pretty different.
No- Christmas is the birth of Christ.
Jesus- the second part of the Holy Trinity.
So no one get caught on what you're getting! Pray instead and give thanks.
If you don't want to pray- at least give a thought, or stop for a moment to wait. To wait and think about how much Jesus has given us.
This coming Sunday is the third week of advent.
Everyone get a pink candle, light it, and know that it's symbolized virtue is Joy!
So this year. This year, don't forget that Christmas is not about us.
Then only reason we get gifts at all, really, is because of God!
If you don't believe, or have a different religion, or simply think wasting time on this is unimportant- don't. I'm not going to criticize anybody for their religion, not going to shame anyone for theirs- but I will encourage you to read this post.
Read this post and just feel and love. And if you don't believe, then imagine.
Imagine and realize.
You're not alone. God will help you.
Whether of its with in general or helping you realize your faith, he is here to help.
God is God! He can help everyone. He sees everything because he's God, and he truly actually does love every single one of us.
Happy Advent, and Merry Christmas!