
Love that I've finally been able to actually update 30 Day Project (Kiba Inuzuka). It's the longest chapter I've done in a long time. Stuff just kept popping up in my head to write. I really enjoyed that feeling. Hoping to be done with the next chapter sooner than last time. 


Love that I've finally been able to actually update 30 Day Project (Kiba Inuzuka). It's the longest chapter I've done in a long time. Stuff just kept popping up in my head to write. I really enjoyed that feeling. Hoping to be done with the next chapter sooner than last time. 


I know I'm like five years late but I absolutely love your book "change of future" it's so good 


@elevenslove Thanks so much. It's never too late to find a story you enjoy. Just means jt took time to find the right one to excite you. 


Would anyone be interested in this?
          In a not so distant future is an ordinary girl. She still lives with her parents but works full time as a desk receptionist at a nearby department store. Not only does she live with her parents, so does a family friend. Cole is special, weird even. They've grown up together since Danielle was in her junior year of high school. A two and a half year friendship in the making. Danielle's family has a secret. Since meeting Cole, Danielle's always been curious and eager to learn more about him. But he's always been distant and reserved, like he's not capable of empathy. Or maybe something bad happened when he was growing up. I mean he cares but not in the same way normal people do. Danielle wants to figure him out. But is it possible she'll start to see him differently than she used to when she finds out? Could her feelings for Cole change or even grow? There's only one way to find out. Only one will prevail. Will it be love or hate?


@XxEverwolfxX I'm good can you message me if you want to be my friend 


After being on Wattpad for over 6 years, I've decided to change my username from coloredrose to XxEverwolfxX. No rhyme or reason. Just wanted a change. Also, I've made a new account just for reading so if you knew that I was following you and I unfollowed you, I've followed you on my reading account, Elelily. Or something like that. 


When will you continue I'm his hikari and he's my yami


@Yami_loves_Yugi Thank you. If I rush, it won't turn out good.


OK that's understandable..  take your time don't rush


@Yami_loves_Yugi I promise I have not forgotten about this one or the others. I am continuing and finishing it. I don't want to be that kind of writer that writes something and never finishes it. Especially when it's almost done. The loophole of that for me is if it's a story I'm not posting on Wattpad right away and want to make sure it's something I can finish. I can't give an estimated time of when I'll update, but I want to before the summer ends. I have been little by little working on the next chapter. I would like to write a little bit more in my free time at work right now, but I don't have my paper that I scribbled on a little more of the story. What I usually do is write on paper when I'm not using the app and then I'll add it on Wattpad. The scrap paper usually serves as second copy just in case the app messes up at the time of writing.


Hey if you writing a new stories i want be in your story because i imagine it im in the story and one of the character if you don't mind at all I have whatsapp 


@regina787875 is fine really and i dont have wifi connection all the time :-)


@regina787875 Not anytime soon. Wanna finish the ones I'm working on right now first. 