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Yo I switched to a new account because I didn’t want my friends finding it.
          	Anyways, what the fuck happened here ✋


To be honest, pretty sure the reason I haven’t been wanting to work on wtsamm is because I’m not sure where I want to go from here. I’m gonna write other random things. I might post a new story to be honest. Probably not a long one, but a new one. That way I’ll have a new story to focus on until I decide how I want wtsamm to continue. Wtsamm isn’t really that great compared to my other writing, and it’s super rushed. I just want it to be better, I guess.


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Remind me to proofread the things I write and actually take time instead of being lazy and really quickly throwing together a really crappy chapter that’s only like 1500 words . I went back and read over everything and realized how much it SuCkS. *I still like the plot and wanna continue it so I’m not deleting it*
          Anyways, I’m probably gonna put my book on hiatus for a couple weeks because I have a lot of shit going on in my personal life. (I kinda already skipped posting for two months but that’s besides the point)
          If I put it on hiatus, I’ll have a lot of time to think and actually take time to come up with a half way decent plot. You know, prevent plot holes and make sure it moves slowly. I have a vague idea of how it’s gonna go, and I can write really quickly when I have an idea. When I know what wanna write, it takes me thirty minutes at most to write almost 2000 words. If all goes well, this hiatus should give me time to write several chapters for the book and careful think of how to do it.
          I’m still not super confident in my writing, but we’ll see how this goes. ^-^
          This announcement was literally just me ranting to myself because I have almost 0 followers on here, but I kinda have to explain either way in order to prevent a nervous breakdown, sooo...


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I feel like I should have a schedule for posting at the same time, but at the same time I don’t want to. I really like it when things like this are in order, but too impulsive and never motivated enough to actually follow through with my schedules. If I stop posting for a month and then come back with three chapters in the span of a few days like last time, don’t be surprised. I have this weird ability to write like a thousand words in thirty minutes. Pretty sure my writing is still shit either way. I don’t proofread cause that shit takes time.


Update - I’ve decided on focusing my attention on one story. Meaning at least once a week, I’ll put a chapter of wtsamm out. There a good chance I’ll put more than that out in a week, but for now that’s how it’s gonna continue. It’s difficult focusing my attention on multiple stories, so I’ll instead put soulmates as a drafted story for now. Once wtsamm is done, I’ll either write a completely different story and come back to soulmates later or write soulmates before I start another book.


Ok so I skipped the last few weeks of updates because I was having a hard time trying not to have a mental breakdown, and then I did have a mental breakdown. But I kinda just had a random boost in confidence, so don’t be surprised if I randomly post a really long chapter of one of my books today


Ok I’ve changed the schedule so many times, but I think I finally have the final one. 
          Wtsamm - Every Friday between 6 and 11 PM PST. 
          Soulmates - Every Sunday between 12 and 3 PM PST
          Possible Third Book - Every Tuesday between 4 and 6 PM PST
          When an update for either book is missed, I’ll post it the next day. If it’s due to something important or long lasting, I’ll be sure to post an extra long chapter of the book(s) I missed posts for the next time I get a chance.
          Thank you!


          But in all seriousness, I've had a lot of time to think. If you didn't know, I was recently really depressed, and not confident with my writing skills. It took me over a year to develop them to where I was confident enough to actually write. And now, here we are. Nearly two years later. And I'm finally ready to post a book I've been planning for the longest time. Thank you for being patient! -Fortune