
I updated The Sinner !!!!!! Comment , Vote , Follow ! 
          	Enjoy lovelies


Dylan MI AMOR :'( is been a week :'( message me I want to talk to you a while mi amor I miss you abd :'( I send you a messages there I saw you deleted a book from your reading list yesterday I want to know how are you mi amor you said we could still talk as friends :'( what's wrong :'( I miss talking to you :'( I want to know how's everything with you you're still the most important in my life I love you mi amor


Dylan prncess :'( message me is been a week :'( I want to talk to you a while mi amor I send you a messages there I saw you deleted a book from your reading list yesterday talk to me I miss you bad :'( you said we could still talk as friends :'( what's wrong :'( I want to know how are you mi amor I miss talking to you :'( I love you more then anything


Dylan prncess :'( where are you :'( message me please is been a week :'( I saw you deleted a book from your reading list yesterday I want to talk to you a while  mi amor I miss you bad :'( you said we could still talk :'( I feel alone without you :'( I want to know how are you mi amor I miss talking to you :'( I love you more then anything answer son please


Dylan mi amor :'( message me please is been a week :'( I saw you deleted a book from your reading list yesterday I want to talk to you a while  mi amor I miss you bad :'(  feel alone without you :'( I know we are just friends now but you said we could still talk :'( I want to know how are you mi amor I miss talking to you :'( I love you more then anything talk to me please I'm empty


Dylan mi amor :'( message me please I miss you bad :'( I saw you deleted a book from your reading list I want to talk to you a while  mi amor is been a week  since last time we talk :'( I know we are just friends now but you said we could still talk :'( I want to know how are you mi amor I miss talking to you :'( I feel alone without you :'( I love you talk to me please


Dylan mi amor :'( I miss you bad :'( message me please I saw you deleted a book from your reading list I want to talk to you a while  mi amor I send you a messages there is been a week  since last time we talk :'( I know we are just friends now but you said we could still talk :'( I want to know how are you mi amor write to me please I miss talking to you :'( I love you mi amor I feel alone without you :'(


Dylan mi amor :'( message me :'( I miss you bad :'( I saw you deleted a book from your reading list I want to talk to you a while  mi amor is been a week  since last time we talk I send you a messages there I know we are just friends now but you said we could still talk mi amor :'( I want to know how are you and what are you up to write to me please I miss talking to you :'( I love you


Dylan mi amor :'( message me :'( I want to talk to you a while  just saw you deleted a book from your readng list I miss you bad mi amor :'( is been a week  since last time we talk I know we are just friends now but I want to know how are you you said we could still talk  :( I send you a messages there write to me please I love you mi amor I miss talking to you :'(


Dylan :'( message me I want to talk to you a while mi amor I miss you bad :'( is been almost a week  since last time we talk I want to know how are you mi amor I know we are just friends now but I would like to know if you're okay and talk a while you said we could still talk  :( I send you a messages there wrte me please you will always be the most important to me Dylan I love you mi amor I miss talking to you :'(


Dylan princess :'( I miss you bad :'( message me mi amor I want to talk to you a while is been almost a week  since last time we talk I know we are just friends now but I would like to know how are you mi amor you said we could still talk  :( I need to know if you're okay I send you a messages there you will always be the most important to me Dylan I love you mi amor write me please I miss talking to you :'(