
OK people! Here's what's happening! I got a new account because this one got too old and I hadn't updated in too long and blah de blah de blah! So my new account is: xXxBlushxXx Where these stories will be posted and continued! Please check it out and if you wanna still be my follower then I'll kiss you and give you a pineapple, my new favourite food! :D I'll be keeping this account up for another two weeks or so that you will know and hopefully (fingers crossed) you'll still wanna be my follower! Peace and pineapples! ^_^


OK people! Here's what's happening! I got a new account because this one got too old and I hadn't updated in too long and blah de blah de blah! So my new account is: xXxBlushxXx Where these stories will be posted and continued! Please check it out and if you wanna still be my follower then I'll kiss you and give you a pineapple, my new favourite food! :D I'll be keeping this account up for another two weeks or so that you will know and hopefully (fingers crossed) you'll still wanna be my follower! Peace and pineapples! ^_^