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Happy yule! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa!
And if you don't celebrate at all, just enjoy today, take a break, and relax! :]
Also happy holidays to Technoblade, it's our first Christmas without you and I just want to remind you that we'll never forget you, damn it i promised myself I wouldn't cry again. I don't mind if you laugh at me or call me a nerd for it, it's just been hard I guess, to accept that you're gone. I don't think I'll ever truly accept it or get over it though but what can you do I guess. I'll meet you one day, that's for sure, but until then the best i can do is hope you have some magical fucking ability to check social media and see this somehow, make sure to take over whatever form of afterlife there is for me yeah? I think it would be epic to die and see that you've taken over the afterlife, and if not i can help plot for it I guess and then eventually the afterlife will be taken over by the great Alexander Technoblade.