@FallenTorment16 Hahahahaha xD niceeeeee
well I have to go to bed got finals tomorrow (not what they are called were I live but its easer to explain them as finals xD) NIGHT talk to u tomorrow...I didnt catch ur name?
I KNOW!!! I'm not toally sure if BC is going! I'll have to look at the list.
But, Smokahantas id pur GENIUS too!! And, What Happens If I can't Check My Myspace When We Get There?, Lonley, and some more I forget :P lol
@FallenTorment16 OMG BC is going? O: Holy shiittttttttt now I have to go!
dont get me wrong Attack Attack! is the shit they r so amazing! stick stickly genusis!
@XxICanRelatexX No problema! I got a hotter picture xD I love it :)
For Warped, I'd be hanging out at the Asking Alexandria thing, and Attack Attack!
Those are the only two that i know are going and I frikin love them. if Breathe Carolina is going, its a plus:)