
Thanks for 1k followers peeps! People love meh, lol. No but im serious, THANK YOU! Plus sorry im not on much but since I know how hard my cousin is working on this; read one of her stories, its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute; http://www.wattpad.com/story/22482017 
          	Anyway, GTG, BOO BYE :D


Jjaajajajaja que mentira y que Ben drowned solo es un tipo raro que se cree algo que no es y también y que lapeima de ben drowned, jajajj y que dejo la cuenta porque no la dejan voger sera que se le olvido la contraseña, jajjaja si eres ben drowned en realidad hakeame la puta cuenta o dile a tu primita niño rata 


Hey guys, this is Ben's cousin Britain, you may or may not know me. It really depends on how long you have been following Ben. Now i know its been way to long since he has been on, and i am going to help explain why. For reasons i am not allowed to tell, Ben has been strictly told to avoid any type of computer and electronic devices for quite some time. He would like all of you to know that he would like to come back on as soon as this whole thing blows over, and when that does, you will get a message from Ben himself when he is back.
          Sorry for the mishap, Ben sends his regards, and he will be back soon :3


@ MzFate  jajaja que te crees inventando cosas jajaja son más fake y si no me entiendes traducelo perra 