
          	Due to certain circumstances and issues, I have decided that it is time to remove two of my novels from the public eye. It has always been a fear of mine for people that I personally know to encounter my account and read my writing from when I was a young girl with big aspirations. Unfortunately, a countless number of my friends and family have discovered my account and have ridiculed me. It used to be a harmless joke, but I can no longer tolerate it. Additionally, I am not proud of my work on those novels because of the lack of editing and errors made in the process of writing. There is always room to improve the outcomes of events with logical sequence In my novels. As a result, “The Pain of a Mate” and “Forgotten Letters” have been unpublished indefinitely. I am deeply sorry to disappoint a majority of you, but hopefully I will be able to continue writing in the future without any hindrances. 
          	Thank you ❤️


OMG that’s so sad you don’t need them I’ll be your friend  but seriously your books are great and it’s stupid that you were ridiculed for them they honestly were I can’t remember’The pain of a mate’ but I remember forgotten letters and it was such a good book even with the lack of editing and any errors and if that and heartless are anything to go by ‘the pain of a mate’ must’ve been a great book. I know you wrote this a year ago but remember keep your chin up and don’t let those around you affect you because you have countless people who love your writing, and we are strangers so if anyone is going to be honest it’s more likely us than them. It is so sad that people around you would treat you in such a way. I loved re-reading your books and i will miss reading them but I, and I’m sure many others, respect your decision and i hope that in the future you can prove those who ridiculed you wrong. Remember keep your chin up ❤️


@XxInsanity_QueenxX nooo but i was in the middel of reading 'The pain of a mate' and was really loving it. Its really horrible that your own friends and family are ridiculing you rather than supporting and encouraging you. Regardless of whether you put the books back on please don't give up and believe them, I understand that youre not proud because of the lack of editing but you should be because what you had was amazing, alot better than most people and they were wonderful completed reads. I also hope you continue writing because it would be a shame if you didn't share your ideas and talent with the world. x 


          Due to certain circumstances and issues, I have decided that it is time to remove two of my novels from the public eye. It has always been a fear of mine for people that I personally know to encounter my account and read my writing from when I was a young girl with big aspirations. Unfortunately, a countless number of my friends and family have discovered my account and have ridiculed me. It used to be a harmless joke, but I can no longer tolerate it. Additionally, I am not proud of my work on those novels because of the lack of editing and errors made in the process of writing. There is always room to improve the outcomes of events with logical sequence In my novels. As a result, “The Pain of a Mate” and “Forgotten Letters” have been unpublished indefinitely. I am deeply sorry to disappoint a majority of you, but hopefully I will be able to continue writing in the future without any hindrances. 
          Thank you ❤️


OMG that’s so sad you don’t need them I’ll be your friend  but seriously your books are great and it’s stupid that you were ridiculed for them they honestly were I can’t remember’The pain of a mate’ but I remember forgotten letters and it was such a good book even with the lack of editing and any errors and if that and heartless are anything to go by ‘the pain of a mate’ must’ve been a great book. I know you wrote this a year ago but remember keep your chin up and don’t let those around you affect you because you have countless people who love your writing, and we are strangers so if anyone is going to be honest it’s more likely us than them. It is so sad that people around you would treat you in such a way. I loved re-reading your books and i will miss reading them but I, and I’m sure many others, respect your decision and i hope that in the future you can prove those who ridiculed you wrong. Remember keep your chin up ❤️


@XxInsanity_QueenxX nooo but i was in the middel of reading 'The pain of a mate' and was really loving it. Its really horrible that your own friends and family are ridiculing you rather than supporting and encouraging you. Regardless of whether you put the books back on please don't give up and believe them, I understand that youre not proud because of the lack of editing but you should be because what you had was amazing, alot better than most people and they were wonderful completed reads. I also hope you continue writing because it would be a shame if you didn't share your ideas and talent with the world. x 


Wish you would write a book where the girl doesnt fall in love with a seriously crappy and abusive partner :( you’re great at writing but you always make the girls doormats for guys


@theseventh_star I have to disagree with you. 
            If you want to see what a real "girls as doormats" is like in books, I have tons under my reading list (Cliché, not recommended, weak women)


Welcome back!! I am so happy you have found inspiration to finish Heartless. It's a great book.


Awww..thanks! Never forget.."you are a great writer"!! That's why you have so many followers!


Thanks girl!  people like you are what motivates me to continue


XXInsanity_QueenXX, You are wonderful, please publish or send Forgotten Letters out somehow - it is amazing - brought me to tears every chapter.  Keep on writing and by the way - that addressed the modern situations and real-life-horrors way better than those haters ever could - keep it up!