
*BITES THATAINTME* No touchy mister! ^.^


No touching each other or breaking hands USE YOUR WORDS PEOPLE!!! I didn't ask you to bite me i just said bite me no where in that sentence did I say Haika i wish for you to bite me!! Tehe ^.^ JIMMY IS #1 AND ALWAYS WILL BE and no you cannot touch him he is part ninja and then he will go all ninja on yo a** :P So HA!!! I did pick you as second with Josh so its a tie!! I did pick and it was a tie!! 
          Have a buffin day people :P 


@XxInsertNameHerexX If the no touchy rule applies to me then why did you ASK me to bite you not my fault is it now ;P....THANKS for admiting that we make the wall AWESOMEEE!! sorry did i mean we i meant me and not josh :P and hey your the one being mean not picking me as your second or first stupid Jimmy!!! and i would touch a hair on his head if i could see him that is :/ xD LOOOL haha i would like to see joshyy bear try to touch me!!! I would break his handd!!! I been theree!! :P Your the MEANYYY and you say i am..could you just pick already!!!!! ps. PICK ME and not him!! :) :$