*Sneak peak to new book sorta a trial i guess lol* The white clouds shimmered with borrowed light from the sun, a warm breeze swirled calmly and the leaves on the trees swayed softly, offering shade to the green grass below. It was a beautiful day for a stroll, sadly, I wasnt the only one who thought so. I emptied my magazine on the bloodied maggot sack that chased me. The loud bang that followed each bullet made me cringe, I was going to draw the attention of every diseased freak nearby. It fell to the ground, pumped full of bullets and hatred from yours truly. I spun on my heels and looked around. Nothing was near by, I was out in the open, out of breath and, out of ammo. I didnt even have my knife with me anymore. There was a loud growl in the distance but I couldnt tell where it was coming from or what direction to run in. My feet pounded against the ground and I started running forward. I swung around a tree,making a hard turn and slingshoting myself forward. The boost gave me more speed but less balance and i struggled to keep running, every now and then i turned to see how many had started following me. Three... five...eight...ten. I decided then I'd stop turning to see how many were after me. I turned forward and found my knife, lodged in the neck of a snarling zombie snapping at me. I let out my own snarl, should have known that blow wouldn't have killed it and now it came back to bite me in the ass. Trying to avoid being sandwiched by the zombies behind me and the one ahead of me, I skampered side ways. More unpleasant noises resonated behind me, they grew louder and louder. My only thoughts were about how my little entourage would make a great carolling group, pity it was late May. I knew there was alot more then ten behind me now but, I couldnt keep running, even my burst of adrenaline was wearing thin and my legs felt like i was trying to run through wet cement.