
Sksksksksk The next chapter is coming along really slowly and I apologize! I’ve had writers block and my best friend from Cali flew in so I’ve been spending time with her.


Hey y’all I apologize for not updating Forever and Always and for mot being actire in general. School gets out in two weeks for me (I lied last post, it was more like 4. This is why I’m failing math) so things are HECTIC and my brain has just been fried. So please stick with me. Once school gets out I’ll try my best to stick to an updateing schedule. I love you guys takw care of yourselves <3


Hey hey, sorry I haven’t posted  Wattpad was being a butt and deleted the draft to my mext chapter which was about 1000 words long. I apologize for the long wait but it’s exam week and I haven’t had the time or energy to write. I’ll ty my best to get the new chapter out tomorrow ❤️ Goodnight/morning, make sure to eat, drink and rest. Your health is important. You matter!❤️❤️