
hey y’all…


hey just a little update.
          you may have noticed some of the stories’ chapters have been removed or the story in general but it’s only because I am editing them because some of the chapters are too long or I don’t like the dialogue. I apologize for the slow updates I’ve just been busy during summer break.
          And one more thing:
          For any stranger things fans…there is a Steve Harrington story in the works so stay tuned!


ayo this is NOT—well wait...yeah it kinda is an announcement. 1. The stories will be coming out soon. I was gonna add more “stuff” to it but it didn’t really work out but who knows I might try again. I did however add more dialogue to “Stereo” and “Seoul to Seoul” so keep an eye out for those. Don’t forget to vote as you read!
          2. This is super scary to me but I’m considering writing “prompts” about my school life. Well last years school life bc I’m in e-learning now but it’s just my POV (lol stream positions) of how I navigate through school as a... “Normal” or “known” as they call it. You know? A look on the inside. HOPEFULLY no one from school will recognize the situations and find out I write smuts about BTS and whatever is going through my mind atm. I will be changing the people’s names so it won’t be even more obvious and I’ll change my name as well bc I have a very unique name and it’ll totally give away my true identity and ok one more thing the “Jock” smut is probably a one shot idk if I’ll add more but who knows? I’ll keep ya posted!


@XxKookiestaetaexX OK! Can't wait to read them


@Author_Suga I am!! I’ve been dealing with school and such but I’ve been writing drafts and they’ll be posted soon I swear


@XxKookiestaetaexX wowwwwww!!! Are u even active these days??


      Hello! Um this is just an update on the stories: I still have a few more coming btw but for now I’m going to speak on the most popular.
           As some of you may have noticed, “Stereo” and “Seoul to Seoul” had been unpublished. I wasn’t really in the “mood” when I wrote some of the chapters so I’m adding something’s and giving my all right now and then the stories should be up soon after I go back and revise.
          Thank you!!
          —kookiestaetae :)


I just wanna say that I might be deleting Seoul to Seoul after I finish the story I don’t know. I might leave it up...I have to think about it some more.
          In the meantime...share some ideas or any members or themes you wanna see in upcoming stories. Right now there are two in the works. A renaissance story and a model story.
          Have a good day/night!!