Yknow when you have depression, and you know someone else who has it too, only WAY WAY WAYYYY worse off than you do, and you're getting better anyways... It becomes so much harder to not take their mental health as your responsibility because since you have such a deeper understanding of what they're going through from your own experience and know how dangerously close to suicide it can get you, you're ten times more concerned, scared, and empathetic for them than you would be without. And you wish you could help them because you don't want their amazingly beautiful heart to go through the pain that you know so well. But you can't help them, only they can help them and when they're so much less hopeful and resilient than you... You become scared that they'll just give up. Really sucks, but sucks so much harder from their end. To all the hearts that are broken and slowly mending out there, I love you all and you all deserve, no matter what you think you've done or you've gone through, to love yourselves ❤️ every human deserves that