Hello everyone! Yes, I am still alive. And well. Somewhat. I haven't been able to post for a very long time because, believe it or not, I forgot the existence of this acc. I know, I know. I suck big time, especially those of you who reads my fanfiction here. For what is worth, I make an Ao3 acc to write fanfic for Wangxian (Mdzs, the untamed), and I only successfully finished ONE story there, hahaha. Anyway, here is the link of me in Ao3 if you're curious: https://archiveofourown.org/users/BunnySlave/works
I just recently revisited wattpad and its been years, I miss so many things! I was just done binge reading the newest UHA series lol.
On the sad note, I don't think I will be able to finish my series here, or write here anymore. Perhaps in the far, far future I might dabbed in occasional writing, but for now, all that I have written are academic journals. Yeah, me, someone who called herself Mistress of Sin online is fucks with academia. I guess Hades just influenced me a lot. I finished my Master's last year, and currently I'm working to secure fundings for my PhD. Hopefully somewhere in Europe, but we'll see.
I drop by just in case some of you are actually still waiting for my return; in which case, I am very sorry to dissapoint all of you, but I prefer to be a silent fangirl these days. Between my work, my personal life, my relationship, and everything else's I got my hands quite full. But I wish all of you the best reading experience If you're still willing to re-read my gramatically terrible writings, and thank you for still being alive enough until today to read this message.
I guess I will go back to being silent reader now. Feel free to drop a message here if you wish, I won't always answer but I promise I will read it all <3. Love ya gays, cheers!