Hello everyone! Yes, I am still alive. And well. Somewhat. I haven't been able to post for a very long time because, believe it or not, I forgot the existence of this acc. I know, I know. I suck big time, especially those of you who reads my fanfiction here. For what is worth, I make an Ao3 acc to write fanfic for Wangxian (Mdzs, the untamed), and I only successfully finished ONE story there, hahaha. Anyway, here is the link of me in Ao3 if you're curious: https://archiveofourown.org/users/BunnySlave/works
          	I just recently revisited wattpad and its been years, I miss so many things! I was just done binge reading the newest UHA series lol. 
          	On the sad note, I don't think I will be able to finish my series here, or write here anymore. Perhaps in the far, far future I might dabbed in occasional writing, but for now, all that I have written are academic journals. Yeah, me, someone who called herself Mistress of Sin online is fucks with academia. I guess Hades just influenced me a lot. I finished my Master's last year, and currently I'm working to secure fundings for my PhD. Hopefully somewhere in Europe, but we'll see.
          	I drop by just in case some of you are actually still waiting for my return; in which case, I am very sorry to dissapoint all of you, but I prefer to be a silent fangirl these days. Between my work, my personal life, my relationship, and everything else's I got my hands quite full. But I wish all of you the best reading experience If you're still willing to re-read my gramatically terrible writings, and thank you for still being alive enough until today to read this message. 
          	I guess I will go back to being silent reader now. Feel free to drop a message here if you wish, I won't always answer but I promise I will read it all <3. Love ya gays, cheers!


Hello everyone! Yes, I am still alive. And well. Somewhat. I haven't been able to post for a very long time because, believe it or not, I forgot the existence of this acc. I know, I know. I suck big time, especially those of you who reads my fanfiction here. For what is worth, I make an Ao3 acc to write fanfic for Wangxian (Mdzs, the untamed), and I only successfully finished ONE story there, hahaha. Anyway, here is the link of me in Ao3 if you're curious: https://archiveofourown.org/users/BunnySlave/works
          I just recently revisited wattpad and its been years, I miss so many things! I was just done binge reading the newest UHA series lol. 
          On the sad note, I don't think I will be able to finish my series here, or write here anymore. Perhaps in the far, far future I might dabbed in occasional writing, but for now, all that I have written are academic journals. Yeah, me, someone who called herself Mistress of Sin online is fucks with academia. I guess Hades just influenced me a lot. I finished my Master's last year, and currently I'm working to secure fundings for my PhD. Hopefully somewhere in Europe, but we'll see.
          I drop by just in case some of you are actually still waiting for my return; in which case, I am very sorry to dissapoint all of you, but I prefer to be a silent fangirl these days. Between my work, my personal life, my relationship, and everything else's I got my hands quite full. But I wish all of you the best reading experience If you're still willing to re-read my gramatically terrible writings, and thank you for still being alive enough until today to read this message. 
          I guess I will go back to being silent reader now. Feel free to drop a message here if you wish, I won't always answer but I promise I will read it all <3. Love ya gays, cheers!


HEYYY MY LOVESS <3<3 I know it's been a very freaking long time since I last updated. I haven't found my will to write in Wattpad lol. BUT that doesn't mean I'm not writing. I actually have an account on Ao3 where I post Fanfic as well! If you want to find me you can search "BunnySlave" in Ao3. I only had two stories there, though. And I'm still trying to figure out my writing style.
          Anyways, we're all in bad times right now and the quarantine might make all of us feels bored or tired or whatever, but it's for the best! Stay at home and stay safe, guys ♡ 


I just want to drop by and said that I am obsessed with Mo Dao Zu Shi (Novel and comics) And the Untamed (The C-Drama ver) Literally one of the best fantasy-BL novel I have ever read, like seriously where do i find a man like Lan Zhan he put the standarts way too high lmao. And if you guys are not interested in the books there's the C-Drama version called The Untamed and the cast are TO DIE FOR (Wang Yibo literally looks like a freaking god). So if you're interested in funny, heart-shattering, filled with sexual tension kind of story, I'd totally recommend it! In all honestly reading and watching Mo Dao Zu Shi have made me proud of being chinese lol we got some seriously great cultures. Anyway, you guys should check it out in case you've gotten bored waiting for me to update... anyway, i'd stop rambling here. I wish you all the best!


I just realized that I hit 160 followers damn you guys are amazing what did i do to deserve this?? Like, seriously, what did i do? I haven't been active for a whole ass year lol. But thank you very much for following me and reading my books, I hope you loves them as much as i do, and i'm sorry if there's many flaws in them... I'll try to find the motivation to write in here again, but between fighting for my degree and part-timing,it's kinda hard :") anyways,much love from me for all of u.... 
          Ps. Y'all should go watch Taylor Swift's music video,it's so queer and colourful!


@MistressOfSins of course you're amazing!! It's so good to hear from you again! And take all of the time you need 


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If you guys haven't read the entire Captive Prince trilogy you should! I was honestly switching between crying and laughing the entire time. I still had No freaking idea how in the name of Hades I just found out about these books now when the last book of the trilogy came out in 2016 -_-  ANYWAY, it's tottally worth the read. If you love manxman with some (okay, a shit ton) political and war strategies that made your brain works like crazy, this series is A MUST READ. 


@MistressOfSins thanks babe! I'll read it while at work hahaha thanks for the heads up as well!


@xiaoyugaara it's C.S Pacat <3 just a warning, the series will rip your heart and churn your stomach (there's some disgusting characters there)


Have y'all watch the crimes of gelert grindelwald because there's sooo many hints about grindelwald and albus dumbledore's relationship and i'm just so happy there's at least a slight lgbtq representation in one of the biggest movie franchise ever made 


@MistressOfSins oh I grew up with Harry Potter too! J.k Rowling is actually my inspiration, it’s good knowing that my favorite author is actually involving something that’s not really included much 


@WordsOfDarkness there will be hints here and there! I won't spoil the fun to you,so go ahead and watch it :D i got really excited because i grew up with harry potter and knowing that there will be a queer representation, even just by slight, felt really amazing lol


@MistressOfSins  I’m excited to watch it but I haven’t seen any hints about the situation, hopefully it’s true. 


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So... I haven't been able to update for like, a fucking long time. I know some of you wants to read the sinstory again, but ever since the 'Sin' book was taken down by wattpad and all the stories went evaporate,all I can do was remaking the stories I have wrote there on my acc,named 'Wildest Dream'. And as much as I want to rewrite everything, my memory is not that great, so I'll have to add a few new things and lost a few as well. 
          But that's not the problem. It's really hard for me to do things lately,and I can't understand why. It feels as if all my motivation were gone. I still thinks of those stories I wrote in 'Sin' fondly, CAT,MATH, ABC, etc. But instead rewriting them, I cried. I got really emotional at times, about those stories and everything else in my life. And I want to be Mad at the asshole who reported the 'sin' book, but I'm not the kind of person who could blows up and spit fire,so I end up crying and feeling empty. 
          Anyway, I'm still trying to find my motivation to write again, because I really, really wants to feel the excitement I had on my very first time writing a story. So I'm sorry for not being able to update anything...anyways, thank you for following me and reading my stories <3 it means a lot to me, and I hope I'll be able to find my footing soon


Babe, you read the recent otherworld update? As soon as i saw the title i immediately pressed back LOL im a coward and i dont even plan on reading it. Just the title alone already killed me. 


I still can't move on and at this point I didn't really ship Sept with anyone... I just want him to be happy. And you're right i'm crying so hard right now


@MistressOfSins i feel like you'll end up crying. I'll be kind to myself and just pass by it, dont wanna get hurt. I'll look forward and focus more on Sept. He deserves someone better...
            I honestly want Uriel for him. How bout you? 


@xiaoyugaara me too! I guess I'll read now, tearing myself down with anything