Hey, how is it going? It's been a long time, no see I know I've been gone for a while 7 months to be exact! Yeah, that's just enough time to have missed out on quite a bit of good stories being posted and updated on Wattpad, right? I'm aware of it. Not mention missing out on the works of my story own Why she's ugly! I bet you're thinking all like: Whatever happened to that story? Are you still writing it? Did you ever finish it? Yes, I'm pretty sure you all are curious, so there fore, I must tell you the truth and the truth is Yes I'm still working on it,and yes it's still in progress slowly but surely! Yes, yes! That's good news! But unfortunately, there is some not so good news too...here it goes I've been going though so off and on things that has caused tremendous lack of updates! First off, I would like to say that I'm easily distracted! That's one of my biggest issues then I get a little lazy or sometimes writer's block occurs (I really don't like it one bit) Anyway, it would make sense that me being the drama writer I am, I find myself into some mess sometimes and plus school's a must! I almost forgot a wattpad account for sometime, but then I remembered because of you lovely fans of mine! You all have been loyal and wouldn't to be the same in return! On that note, I love and miss you guys much!