
Hi guys I'm Morgan and I'm the new owner of this account! I hope you lot like my new stories as well as the ones I'll continue on here! Comment below the stories on this account you want me to continue ...all others will be deleted! I love you guys <33


Hellloooooo!!!!! Just finished the 'Life's Confusing' series, and all I have to say is EEEEEKEEKEKKEKEK!!!!!!! I AB-SO-LUT-LY      L-O-V-E      Itttttttt!!!!! Hdkdjdjdhfjehdiohdjdjfkdkfjfndjdjjfjfjdjrvekwjfbvrr (omg, fangurlllliiiinnbbggggnfjshsjfhdjfnfjdkjd) ANYWAYSSSSSS I wanted to ask you if you could read my fanfic it's 'bout Nialler, andddd I wanted to know if you had any suggestions, any comments and if you can give meh suggestionnnsssss, I'm stuck (it's mah first fanficccccc, and your the person to call,-seeing that the life's confusing series was ABSOLUTELY AMAZBALLLSSS!!!!!!-)       Llllloooovvveeee yyyyyoooooooouuuuurrrrrrrr work, please answer back!!!!!!!!!