
For your new story: Antonio x Melly (The Park), I love it! Keep up a good work! (It's fine, you don't always have to take that request from me (light romance) since I don't usually read or write romantic stories and I don't want to be a bug to you, but that's fine.) Anyways, thank you!


No it’s fine! I love pleasing ppl who took the time to comment or favorite my posts. consider it my high honor ✨


I wish it wasn’t a heavy romance of... that... but ahem, I won’t complain. Though, I like the beginning when first met better than.. after? ..Excuse me, I thought this would be a light, small romance, but I’m not trying to criticize you or anything. It’s my opinion. 


Ah, that’s fine, no worries! Take your time! 


@TainaZakura oh yeah . I should make a story where it’s doesn’t have the you know what, it’s just that I don’t know what else to do to be quite frank. I have to admit I just felt that if I waited too long ppl would lose interest so I just tried to make it a little faster. 


Yeah, I don’t mind the ship, they’re fine btw! Oh, I was expecting a romance that’s starts slow but that’s fine, you don’t have to. Because when I read the beginning, I thought that this would take a slow turn except it was just unexpected for me to bear with in the next chapter. Don’t mind me, I just prefer something that doesn’t contain the-you-know-what. Although, just do what you like best, I’m not there to judge. 