<READ END IF YOU WANT A ONESHOT> Okay... so... 94 of you bad asses in the world are Oreos and Eyeliners, it's official! And I love all of you, but hey, maybe you wanna check out the books my friends @-_-creepypasta-_- and @kt_breeze24 are writing hmm? Not gunna give anything away but all you Purdy Girls out there... migh, maybe, definently should, check them out. That's the only spoiler you get though! Oh also I'm working on a new book, so updates will be slow as fuckkk. I'm very very sorry. On the brightside the book is a one shot book, you should suggest with:
-Name or YN
-Band Member or YouTubers(I'm doing pretty much any)
-description (Not Necessary if YN)
-(optional but appreciated) plot
- smut or not {that's right bitches I'm about to attempt this shiz!}
♡☆Love you Babes, Heav☆♡