Actuly I have pictures and shiz I'm not scared of u btw and I bet I would win becouse I also have a lot of proof all u have showed me/said is that u called the owner of killing kate
Actuly I have pictures and shiz I'm not scared of u btw and I bet I would win becouse I also have a lot of proof all u have showed me/said is that u called the owner of killing kate
If any hates come on my profile after seeing the messsages on my freinds profile I hope u burn in hell here too u took a part of me when u made masq leave
For all the ppl who hated on @masquerade_666 u made her cry all u are is stupid cyberbullys that pry on ppl that are suposidly smaller that u u made me cry by makeing her leave and I'm pissed and depressed so u need to fk off if she ever comes back and she probably won't so all I have to say for u is fk u haters she was strong but u broke her u killed 2 birds with one stone but all I have to say for u is fk u your terrible people who have no lives and deserve to go to hell but I'm not going to act like u and cyberbully ppl becouse I'm not like u and u could have stoped but u didn't becouse u were too god damn selfish not to
Hey Guys I'm probably not going to keep in contact with a lot of u anymore since well another person left me.....Anyway the ppl I will be keeping in contact with are @InsaneKillerProxy@NathanTheLonely@Avery_The_Fangirl