Hey. This Account is for making friends and writing. If you would like to join just Pm me. Make sure you are talking to me, Andie. I would be happy to let you join but unknown apertures is kind of confusing. Thx for reading this. -Andie
http://reaperravensart.deviantart.com/ - ART CLUB
https://www.quotev.com/ -SCHOOL WEBSITE
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- Where Emo souls lie
- DołączyłFebruary 26, 2017
Zarejestruj się, aby dołączyć do największej społeczności pisarskiej
Dzieł autorstwa Death Birds
- 13 Opublikowanych Dzieł
CLASS B (Bridget)
Class description:
Classes will post one lesson a week and have two due assignments each week. These may incl...