OMG guess what? I know it only happens once in a blue moon but I actually updated ALWR. Chapter 22 is up, Enjoy!
          	xoxo ~Siren <3


I thought that I will message you after I read all the chapters of ALWR, but damn I just couldn't wait!! Your story is awesome! First of all, I thought that it would be one of those cliché stories where the nerd who gets bullied falls for the jock and all, but OMG!! I've read plenty of stories where the nerd is domestically violated, but you totally changed it, and changed it beautifully. I love Joanna, she's what all women should be like– strong, fierce and independent. And where in all other typical stories the jock's friends bullies the nerd and the jock doesn't come out to his friends that easily– you showed here what friendship should be like. I absolutely love the way "the guys" support Soal and his love for Raine. And they remind me so much of my own friends. And the best dialogue was "So when is your date with your lover's boyfriend?" Man that made me laugh so hard that I cried. And let's not forget love triangles. I absolutely love them. It adds more and more drama. All in all, you're one of the best writers


@Chocolate_Spidey Gahh, omg don't apologize. I legit woke up this morning and saw this and omg my heart, you're so sweet. Thank you so much, I'm really glad that you enjoyed the story. Also lol it took me a good moment to remember where that dialogue was from and I realized it was the guys to Soal about Bryce :P


Sorry for the long message, I just had to say all those things :P


Hi dear Siren.... I wonder how you’ve been doing, we havent heard from you for so long, it feels like ages! As I said before and I am saying it again, ALWR is the best story that I’ve ever read from its kind, its very mesmerizing and beautiful! there are lots of things in it that I am waiting for them to be explained, I feel so excited for the updates.... But then my excitement is being crushed... I hope and wish everyday that you would someday just update it... And I still wait, altho sometimes I tell my self that I wouldn't be surprised if this was going to be dropped and not to keep my hopes up... But I can't help it! I can't give up on this story and I certainly don't want to! I am still waiting and am gonna wait no matter what!! I support you!  I don't know what your circumstances are and I don't wanna push you and annoy you, and I respect what ever reason you have even if I found it silly in my opinion even if I wanted this so bad... No matter what you choose, I support you! (this got so long and kinda dramatic lol!! But I have to say this!!!!!!) I love your story so freakin much, and I respect your choises! Good luck to you and even if you won't continue this! I am still happy to have read what you had writen, so thank you for giving us such an amazing story! I enjoyed every bit of it! And I would enjoy more if ever!!!
          With love from your fan!
          Izana ♡^_^♡ 


Hi there Siren! How have you been doing? I really miss your story A Love Worth Risking! I am really hoping that you don't abonden such a beautiful story! I support you all the way! I will forever wait for it is a very dear faveorite of mine :’)


Hey guys, after a very long LONG time, Chapter 21 of A Love Worth Risking is up! Thank you so much to all of you who stuck with this story and me these past 2 years and +3 months , you guys are what finally gave me the push to write it. Thank you so much. 
          Ily, Ily <3
          xoxo ~Siren


*sigh* i wish there were more stories as beautiful as ur story that are worth reading, ofcorse there are but thats not what i’ve been finding lately, all that i’ve been finding are meh stories and they dont excite me as much as this one and a few others, i want something like ur story that makes me excited and on edge for each update, mesmerizing me with each word, making me and my heart fly when its updated! Thats what ur story does to me!!!!!


Omg XxSPMxX i am so in love with ur story ALWR, its totally captivating and beautiful! I seriously can't wait for the updates but i will still wait nonetheless no matter how long it will take. I wish u good luck, do ur best!