
Sorry for reposting those. I was curious. Anyways. 


Hey y’all. It’s been a minute haven’t it? 
          I’ve been so busy with my Exchange I haven’t had much time to update. Don’t worry, it will happen soon. This exchange has taken so much out of me I’m so prepared for summer. Plus I have a boyfriend and he likes to show up when I’m gonna write and whisk me away. He’s the best :) so I’ll get back to it soon. If that’s what y’all like? 


Is “How to Train a Dragon” your background?


Yes it is, that’s a tattoo I’m gonna get


Hey y’all! 
          God, I feel just horrible about being so inactive. I’m so sorry! But I have great news! Your boy might be broadcasting stories from Europe! Oh who am I kidding, I KNOW I’ll be posting from Europe, starting in June I’ll be a foreign exchange student! I’m not sure on my country yet, I’ll let y’all know when I find out! I hope to be posting more in the mean time, but the exchange program takes up a lot of my time. I have had to quit two sports just to keep up with it. Thank you! 