Ok guys well i think my story is too common so i was thinking of taking it down..ya know think of something better something I MYSELF wouldn't want to see roaming the streets siof wattpad... Any thoughts?
Good news everyone i found my back up memory stick thingy!! Though i haven't exactly updated what was on my laptop on my memory stick thing it still has some of my drafts and stuff which is something right? so i'll try to update in the following week. But this unfortunately means i have to start the chapter i was working on all over again. But life goes on so that the good news. Happy belated easter everyone. :)
I am extremely sorry for the long wait its been almost 2 weeks!! But the most horrible thing just happened to me. I dropped my laptop and my screen is cracked. It had 10 chapter on it that i was changing and editing for friends. My mom is going to see if they can get my memory back but it just happened tonight and knowing my mom she probably will wait a month or more. It depends how much it costs to get repaired finger crossed they'll get all my memory back. So so so sorry I will try and make a filler or something on my sisters laptop or something but please bear with me :)
Just a big welcome to my new fans!! I got so excited i decided to write uo my next chapter ..it should be quite long. Anyway i sent it to my editor and it should be up latest... Monday :)