
I just want to let you guys know that I'm starting a new account under the username rndm_emo_nrd.  This account will still be open but I won't be updating anymore on this account.  I might import some of the stuff I have on this account later.  Sorry


I just want to let you guys know that I'm starting a new account under the username rndm_emo_nrd.  This account will still be open but I won't be updating anymore on this account.  I might import some of the stuff I have on this account later.  Sorry


Unfortunately, this update has absolutely NOTHING to do with writing, but PLEASE keep reading!  (And I say that assuming people read these updates at all)  As a few of you may know, I have a Musical.ly account and I post on it often.  I am having a "contest" of sorts on Musical.ly.  If I get 50 followers by the end of the week (I'm at 44 now), I will torture my girlfriend into making a video with me.  Think I'm kidding?  I'm not.  So, go ahead and follow me if you want to meet my girlfriend!


@XxThaTweiRdchIcKxX I just realized I forgot to include my user *facepalm*.  My musical.ly username is @book_freak_bvb


Hi humans!
          I have some news.:(  My dad is begging for my Wattpad username and I can't stall for much longer. I'm going to give him a fake user for now but I'm changing my username to XxHoTmEssxX.  I just wanted to let you guys know.  Ok, bye!


@XxThaTweiRdchIcKxX Yeah, uh, no.  I changed it to the wrong thing.  My OFFICIAL new username is XxThaTweiRdchIcKxX.


Hey humans!!!
          I FINALLT published my new story, Testing The Waters (the one with the cool cover that literally took me an hour to create), it's partially based off of my life.  I assure you, it will not disappoint.  This book is like my new child, so I'll probably be updating often.  I promise the second chapter will be up soon!


Of course there just HAD to be a typo *sighs*.  Well, obviously I meant FINALLY and not FINALLT.


Ok guys, I have an assignment (of sorts) for you!  I started reading this amazing story by @YurikoHime called Lesbian Academy.  It's like the anime Sword Art Online, combined with Harry Potter, all concentrating on the LGBT society.  I am huge on LGBT rights, since I have many friends who are gay.  This story and author are both equally amazing and I would like you to check out some of her work.  I'll guarantee you'll love it!


Well, I just posted a complete new story (one that I wrote in 6th grade so forgive me, I know it sucks ass).  It got over a thousand views on my fanfiction.net account so I decided to post it to this (I literally just copy and pasted).  Well, I am determined to make this one a short update.  As Joey Graceffa would say,
          Good Damn Bye!


Hello peoples!
                    I gotta start trying to write shorter updates.  If you didn't already notice, I FINALLY updated the 4th chapter of Under The Mistletoe.  Pills and Shattered are unfortunately still on hold.  I might just delete Shattered all together because I lost the rest of the file I had it on.  I might be transferring some of my stories from my old Fanfiction.net account because I don't use it anymore.  I have a sexy Sizzy fanfic that you will love if you like Under The Mistletoe.  That should be coming soon and it will be called Something New.  I'm trying to keep this update short and sweet but it's not really working for me.  I'll update again soon.  Hopefully.  I'll finally be 13 on Sunday so I'll probably be out with my friends or something.  Might be starting a YouTube channel.  I don't really know yet.  It depends on if I can get my dad to get me a new camera ;) Anyway, I'll talk to you soon.  Byeeeee


Hey guys!
          I am sooooooo sorry!  I haven't updated Under The Mistletoe in FOREVER!  I had to cram for midterms, and I had an English essay due, and then I went on vacation to Florida for a week.  And on top of all that, I have a boyfriend now.  Plus, my birthday is coming up.  I know that's a poor excuse for not updating, but it's the truth.  I'm not going to promise that I'll update every day, or even every week, because that's what I always say and then I break my promise.  So, I will try my damn hardest to update Under The Mistletoe before next Christmas ;)  Hope your new year is going well!
          P.S. It is snowing like crazy where I am!