@XxTheDarkBeatXx Hello, I don't know if you'll ever be able to respond to or notice this (and I don't blame you, given how notifications can be and everything), but if you do, let me just say this:
Thank you for helping make my childhood what it was with MCSM. I read many of your books, even most of the pitched ideas for yourself on what to write next, and I definitely would have liked to see some of them to one extent or another come to fruition very much.
It's unfortunate that life inevitably gets in the way of things that need to be done sometimes, even at times not giving one time to finish things before they go, such as the first storyline you created, left at a cliffhanger for the finale "We Wish, But We Can't", which I would have given up every other story you made relating to MCSM just to see finished.
Even though it's very unlikely at this point we'll ever see you finish it, I don't blame you for not getting to it. As I said, life is life, and what I hope above all else for you is that you're living it good for yourself and those around you.
Take care,