
New account: @TheSmolBlueBean


I need your help, if i don't get enough views on my original writings ( including my new character ask) on here I'll never become the great writer I want to be. If you could just check out one of my original writings, and recommend the one you like most to some people on here that would be amazing, and I would recommend you to all my followers on here. Either way thanks for your time.


Please....we're all worrying about you. Me,_The_Reaper,and WubbaLubbaDubDub.... .please come back to us...we're all pretty freaked out right now... just say anything,so we know your still here..... please?


Hey. I know we don't know each other very well, but I'm really worried about you.. everyone is worried.. 
          I don't really know what to say.. I.. I can't lose someone else- I can't lose you. I'm really scared. I wouldn't be, but everyone else started worrying.. I figured you're gonna be offline for a while, but your friend said they saved you from suicide.. twice. If you get this, know that we love you, know that we miss you..