
Ok I would like for my followers to listen to All about us by Owl City and He Is We. It's such a good song and I can't stop listening to it.


Ok so the most funniest thing just happened. I walked outside and standing at the door was my brother's friend and he just said "Boo." and he went inside. I walked to go sit on the swings and I forgot it rained and I slipped and landed on my side in the mud. My sister and I just started to laugh. Next thing I knew was that my other little sister, my brother and my brother's friend came walking out laughing. After I went inside, grabbed clothes and took a shower but that was so funny. I'm still laughing. =D


Don't you just hate it when people make up an excuse to stop talking to you, I know how it feels cause everyone I know does to me ....... And I HATE IT!!!! or they just stop texting or talking to me. It seems to me that people like to avoid me or something. ='(


And now I don't really care if they make up an excuse that means I'm no good for them, and that means I can find someone better. For those of you who don't ignore or make up an excuse to not talk to me ...... I thank you for being my friends and that you care about me, it means so much to me that you guys are there for me. =3