
@chasingfreedom thank you so much :) it means a lot to us that you took the time to say that ^-^ ~Mickey


I really love this whole account and what you guys are doing. Sometimes people just need to drain out all their problems. Its really nice of you to be so considerite when other people can just go on with their days knowing that they had the chance to help somebody but they didn't. lol okay I will be quiet now... Bye! Xxx


Hey i absolutely adore what you guys are doing. I will support anyone and everyone whos actively against bullying. I know how hard its for those suffering from bullying or depression and love that you guys are making a stand to help others :) 
          -Addy xxx


@TroylerLarry_14 yeah we understand that, but we try to encourage them to get help anyway. It may seem pointless to argue with a person who needs help, but I would rather try, annoy them to the point of anger, than say I did nothing and gave up on them. And if they don't let us help, then all we can do is try to support them from afar.