
I’m going to try and slowly come back into writing in between my job and life hope you guys like the new poem I posted “Cobwebs and Dust” -Z


So an update so everyone knows wtf is going on, I started working at chewy when I lost feeling in my feet, then in my knees to my feet...I was going to the doctors when the morning of I lost feeling in the right side of my face...so I’m going to be going through tests and stuff to see wth is going on...on another note I will probably lose my internet, electric, gas, water, and most of my appliances because I am not working so I can’t pay for them...if I disappear off of the internet for a bit you guys know what’s going on...


Guess who’s back?....
          Tim: “How we doing over there?!”
          Alina: “Things couldn’t get much worse...”
          *Zalgo pops out of nowhere* 
          Alina: “The universe just loves proving me wrong!”
          Brian and Toby: “You make it to easy Blades!”
          Alina: *facepalms*