
this message may be offensive
Fuck feelings! Fuck life! Fuck even caring anymore! 


Ah, so you really are dead huh... And i honestly hate myself for figuring this out now, even though this was over a year ago. You are still someone that I can't seem to not stop thinking about, and I wish I did more in helping you still live...
          You one time told me that you wanted to travel the world, and graduate college (not sure if you didn't graduate or not), but I mean, traveling the world is fun. I wish you stuck around and did it. Sorry for not being able to save you. 


I know I’m late, I am so late.
          Although we didn’t interact much, you still meant something to me, I shouldn’t have just left you there when you needed to go to bed, I should’ve stayed and pmed you good morning. But I know that you are up there looking over me. Every time I see a white butterfly, I hope that is your soul and that shows that you’re looking over us. 
          You were so young, you didn’t deserve to end this way. I miss you so much. You’ll always be in my heart. I promise forever and always. You are on my mind 24/7 and al5ough you don’t think so, you are. I love you and I miss you so much. R.I.P


... I miss you... I just wish... I... I wish you were still here... Every night I cry because I miss you so so much... Alexandra... I... I love you... I'm sorry...


@Kitten101_xX this makes me almost cry every time I think of it...


Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I didn't know her well, but, still. I'm so sorry...