Remember me? No? I didn't think so.. Anyway I'm back. I was gone for many different reasons that i don't wanna get into.. @dovely_dovetail i am sorry for everything/anything i did, if you even remember me. And I'm sorry for the whole story thing with A Liggie Love Story. Ik you might not wanna talk to me but i thought I'd see how your doing. We haven't talked for a few years. And in these few years I've grown as a person and I've changed. I changed from who i was. If you want to work on the story then, I'll be here. If not, i wish you the best in life

I'm sorry about that. And tbh, I've been going in a downward spiral too. I've had 2 relationships since we split and i was manipulated into sending nudes and i was emotionally abused. Whatever you want to do, I'll respect your decision. I wouldn't mind working on that story again. And i also don't think that we would have a repeat of what happened cuz i have a gf.. Just know, whatever you want to do, I'll respect that and i hope we can be friends again

Everything with the whole story situation really upset me and honestly since we split or whatever you want to call it I’ve been going in a downward spiral. A small part of me wants to try so hard and finish that story but another part doesn’t want to have a repeat of what happened