
OK children, this is the plan. In this new year I am really going to work at updating my stories at a constant rate. So on Mondays I am going to update my story (s). At the moment I am just going to work on updating the im-perfection dare (31 days of Xx_infinity_xX) until it is finished, then I am going to pick back up the goal to my heart. I'm going to continue the 30 day challenge gradually and attempt to finish it around the same time as 31 days of Xx_infinity_xX. SO that is my plan. And you guys need to stay on my butt, if I haven't updated message me or comment. be like "oi update??hello?? its due!!" and I will update. thanks guys love you xxxxxxxxx


OK children, this is the plan. In this new year I am really going to work at updating my stories at a constant rate. So on Mondays I am going to update my story (s). At the moment I am just going to work on updating the im-perfection dare (31 days of Xx_infinity_xX) until it is finished, then I am going to pick back up the goal to my heart. I'm going to continue the 30 day challenge gradually and attempt to finish it around the same time as 31 days of Xx_infinity_xX. SO that is my plan. And you guys need to stay on my butt, if I haven't updated message me or comment. be like "oi update??hello?? its due!!" and I will update. thanks guys love you xxxxxxxxx


HI GUYS!!! I'm back. I'm so sorry about not updating stuff, I just lost motivation and stuff but I'm glad you guys stayed because I have new stuff for you guys very VERY soon. So over the past couple of days I have actually started a blog and I'm thinking of putting some of my stories up there, but it would mean a lot to me if you guys could check it out and share it with your friends. The link is; 
          Thanks guys, I hope you had a very merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year. Expect new stuff soon my lovelies!!
          With love, 


Hi um I know no ones here to read this but I just I've been have a not so great week and all I've been thinking about it writing so I'm got exams and then I am gonna write my sweet heart out. Feel free to you know follow me and stuff cause soon there will be stories being posted left right and center. Lots of Love
          Xx ∞ xX