
Hi my lovelies! Chapter 2 of The Divorced Duchess is now out. I apologize for the wait, AGAIN. Chapter 3 will be out tomorrow. 
          	For those waiting on The Broken Hearts Club, I am working on the next chapters. I am hoping to have Chapters 2-5 out on Monday, July 29th. I’ll keep you guys updated. 
          	As always, thank you so much for the support. Please remember to vote, comment, and share. Stay safe, stay lovely and have a beautiful weekend. Thank you!


Hi my lovelies! Chapter 2 of The Divorced Duchess is now out. I apologize for the wait, AGAIN. Chapter 3 will be out tomorrow. 
          For those waiting on The Broken Hearts Club, I am working on the next chapters. I am hoping to have Chapters 2-5 out on Monday, July 29th. I’ll keep you guys updated. 
          As always, thank you so much for the support. Please remember to vote, comment, and share. Stay safe, stay lovely and have a beautiful weekend. Thank you!


Hi my lovelies! The Divorced Duchess and The Broken Hearts Club have now been updated. I apologize for the wait, but I had a very busy week and forgot to upload the two chapters. Please forgive me. I hope you guys enjoy the chapters and please leave a vote, comment and don’t forget to share. Thank you! 


Hi my lovelies! I am happy to announce that the Prologues for The Divorced Duchess and The Broken Hearts Club are now out. Please, please, go check them out and leave a vote and comment. Thank you so much! Next updates for both of them will be on Wednesday. 


Hi my beautiful lovelies! 
          So… I am officially back and will begin this new journey I talked to you about a few months back with a novel titled The Broken Hearts Club. A mixture of the Breakfast Club and John Tucker Must Die but with PG humor. 
          Along with this teen fiction novel, I will also be releasing The Divorced Duchess, which is an adult novel with little to no smut. 
          The two books will be released together on July 8th at 3:00pm ET and both will be updated every Monday and Wednesday. 
          Thank you and hope you all enjoy these two new books! Thank you! 


Hi my lovelies (or anyone that is still tuning in after so long lol)!
          It has been QUITE a while, I know. 
          First off, I want to apologize for my sudden disappearance and leaving many of you hanging. I am extremely sorry. 
          At the end of August 2023, I started drifting away from writing and Wattpad altogether. I was just not feeling the same passion for writing I once had. Then my life became pretty hectic, with work and trying to find my place in this world and my relationship with God. After a dear friend of mine on that I met on this platform also decided to take a break from Wattpad to strengthen her relationship with God, I felt inspired to do the same and it was what I needed. 
          However, lately I have been missing writing and wish to go back to writing novels for all of you again, but this time a little different due to my faith. I want to write clean books that no longer have rated-R scenes. 
          I am still a bit busy with life, but would like to come back to Wattpad in a very near future with these brand new books that follow a PG spectrum. I understand that many of you loved my fiery romance novels, but I can no longer allow myself to write books like that. If you do not wish to follow me anymore because of this, I completely understand. 
          For those of you choosing to stay, thank you. I hope this new era in my writing can still bring you the same amount of joy and excitement as my old books did. 
          Also, I will be moving all my old books to my other account @miss_liz201 so that I may start with a clean slate. 
          With all this said, I hope to see you all soon with these new books. Thank you!


I will, thank you ☺️


Hi I'm glad you rebuilt your faith and I hope you find your place in this world ☺️ And I can't wait for your future books ✨ 
            Please announce when u move the books so I can re- add them to my reading lists  


Hi my lovelies!
          So I am still alive, do not worry. I have finally recovered from my wisdom tooth extraction surgery and am back to my old self. 
          I have been contemplating whether to continue Beautifully Terrible, or rewrite it. I feel like it could be better but at the same time I already like what I have. What do you guys think? Should I rewrite or continue the story? 
          While I decide that matter, I will be rewriting Hate At First Sight and starting on some old books I left hanging years ago, such as The Nerd, Cupid, and Me. Stay on the lookout for those books. I plan to be back to uploading sometime next week. But please, let me know what you would like me to do with Beautifully Terrible. 
          Adiós for now! 


          Sorry for posting without asking first. I just wanted to say that if you have time please check out this book and tell me your thoughts on it. I'd be really glad to hear from you. 
          Thank you. 


No worries! I will be checking it out soon and I’ll be sure to leave comments 


Hi my lovelies! I know I haven’t been active on Wattpad for almost a month and I deeply apologize. I have been dealing with wisdom tooth pain, and just this week I was able to get two out of the three I have bothering me out. I am still healing from the procedure but hope to be back on my feet soon. Thank you all for your support and patience. 
          Adios for now!
          Liz ❤️


Hi my lovelies! 
          So my wisdom teeth are coming in and lemme tell you. . . it has been QUITE the experience. I had ínstense pain this pass week so I was not able to complete the next two chapters of Beautifully Terrible. I will try to get them out by the end of this week, hopefully. 
          If anyone has any tips on how to lessen the pain for wisdom teeth plz plz let me know! 
          Thank you for understanding my lovelies! I hope to see you soon with new chapters. Adios for now! 
          - M. E. Tomas 


@Xx_Life_to_Live_xX oh I  didn't know it was okay to remove them, You're welcome  :)


@dovesparks Thank you ! It has been such an annoying pain but hopefully I will be taking them out in two weeks. 


Actually mine are coming in too, but like bit by bit for around a year which is a real bother when it hurts time to time, applying bee honey on the area where the tooth is coming makes it soft making the tooth to come in more smoothly, which makes it hurt less :) 