
          	I come bearing gifts. A new chapter of Blasphemous Relations. It's time we check on Blaisey Right? I love you all. I value you. I honour you. Please keep well. Please go to therapy. Please take your meds. And no matter what keep going. Keep fighting (even if your fighting is taking a shower or brushing your teeth - a step is a step). 
          	Please go and read my newest chapter, comment, follow, share, like. Leave me love. I need it for the remainder of the year. 
          	xoxo LMT


@Xx_LoveMeTender_xX thankyou so much! Same goes for you ♥️


@ Xx_LoveMeTender_xX  I was waiting for your work! I hope you're fine...Lot of thoughts for you! ❣


Just finished reading blasphemous love for like the 5th time since I’ve found your books! I hope you are doing well truly! 
          I do hope and wish you come back and finish your books for us and give us more on cor and Jaigo also! You have just got me so in love and into your characters and I want xee to get his best deserved love! 
          But hope you know many of us still waiting and wishing you very well 


          I come bearing gifts. A new chapter of Blasphemous Relations. It's time we check on Blaisey Right? I love you all. I value you. I honour you. Please keep well. Please go to therapy. Please take your meds. And no matter what keep going. Keep fighting (even if your fighting is taking a shower or brushing your teeth - a step is a step). 
          Please go and read my newest chapter, comment, follow, share, like. Leave me love. I need it for the remainder of the year. 
          xoxo LMT


@Xx_LoveMeTender_xX thankyou so much! Same goes for you ♥️


@ Xx_LoveMeTender_xX  I was waiting for your work! I hope you're fine...Lot of thoughts for you! ❣


just hope you are fine, I know you are fighting a battle but I believe you will win. No matter how tough the journey is, I will be here cheering you up, no matter how many times you fail I know you will win as last. So don't give up, just so you know you ain't fighting alone, we are fighting with you so when you think of ever given up, please take a moment and think about us that if you give up, you let us all down. Please continue fighting for our sake. I love you and I will always love you.