
Hey Everyone, I'm only here to say Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy new years, I'm actually a Gacha YouTuber now, so I really don't have time on Wattpad anymore. Of course I changed my username to Xx_SolarOffcialYT_xX even though my YouTube channel name is called Xx_Solar_xX and my Gacha Club oc had a Gender transition from a female to a male 


I'm so freaked out about last night! I saw a freaking bat at my window last night! I looked it up to see what it means for a bat to show up at your window and this is what I found
          If you encounter a bat, it is a sign or an omen of letting something die. The bat is trying to tell you that that part of your life is done and you should allow its rebirth and not obstruct it –it is one of the important symbols of rebirth
          Also happy Pride Month 


I'm thinking about making a book for my squad that I'm going to do on my YouTube channel, if you are interested of joining my squad than PM me! My squad name is Musical LGBTQ Squad it's basically A squad that likes any kind of music and accepts any LGBTQ supporter and LGBTQ community members